Full DBT vs DBT-Informed treatment

Dr. Ubick is not offering full DBT at this time as his practice is currently a tele-therapy practice only.  The information below is offered to help you know if you would benefit from full DBT or if DBT-informed treatment is sufficient for you.

DBT is used widely in many different forums and this is a ‘good’ thing.  Many therapists or programs say they offer DBT and this is also a ‘good’ thing.  However, stating that DBT is offered doesn’t tell you what you are getting.

What should you ask to find out if you are getting DBT vs DBT-informed treatment.

Ask the following six questions:

1.  Are you (the therapist) in a weekly consultation group with other DBT providers? (Dr. Ubick has been on a consultation team for 3 years with highly trained providers and is not currently on a team)

2.  Do you offer skills groups which have a leader and co-leader? (Dr. Ubick is currently only offering skills on a one-on-one basis)

3.  Does weekly therapy include diary cards and utilize analysis of targeted behavior? (Dr. Ubick does provide this service)

4.  Do you offer phone coaching?  (This can be negotiated with Dr. Ubick if appropriate for your needs)

5. Has the therapist completed at least 10 hours of intensive training and been supervised by a DBT expert?  (Dr. Ubick has done both)

6. Is the provider familiar with the main sets of DBT strategies (cognitive behavioral therapy, validation, dialectics)?  (Dr. Ubick is trained in this modalities)

The answer to each of these must be YES for it to be protocol compliant DBT.

DBT-informed treatment can be effective for most clients.  However, for Borderline Personality Disorder at the initial stages DBT is highly effective as proven by research and the recommended modality.